A Facelift is a surgical procedure that reverses the signs of aging, sun exposure, bone loss and volume loss. It is designed to smooth and firm the skin, providing a fresh, youthful appearance. Throughout one’s life, gravity, stress, the sun’s radiation and other factors cause the skin to sag. Areas of the face and neck, in particular around the jaw line, are especially prone to the aging process. Though these changes are gradual, wrinkles and other signs of aging can make individuals “feel older” than they really are.

Face and neck lifts are used to remove excess skin and relocate skin and muscle back where it belongs: higher up on the face. If you’re wondering why we have combined face and neck lifts, the answer is simple: because Dr. Rodgers looks at these two procedures as one. Alone, they can produce some success, but together, they can create a far more significant (and much longer lasting) result that can take years off of your appearance.

When to Consider a Facelift

  • If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level
  • If you determine that your facial sagging and excess skin is a social or career obstacle
  • If you show signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity
  • One day you look in the mirror and realize that time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity have taken a toll and you simply do not look like yourself any more.

Dr. Rodgers’ face and brow lifts are often combined with fat injections (restores volume to the eyes, temples and above the lips) and laser resurfacing around the eyes and mouth (smooths wrinkles and improves skin tone). Dr. Rodgers believes in this all-inclusive approach to address multiple aspects of skin aging for better, long lasting results. A facelift alone cannot treat the fine wrinkles and because the natural aging process doesn’t just create structural problems, but also dull, brownish skin that has lost its light reflex.

Are you a good candidate for a facelift?

Ideal facelift candidates are in good general health and have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their procedure. In addition, the following are some common facial characteristics that make you an appropriate candidate for a facelift:

  • Sagging skin in your midface and/or jawline
  • Deep creases extending from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Lines extending from each corner of your mouth down your chin (marionette lines)
  • Facial fat (volume) that has fallen or is displaced
  • Sagging and loss of muscle tone in the lower face, resulting in jowls
  • A double chin, resulting from loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw
  • Creased and sagging skin in your neck