In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic medicine, there’s a growing demand for treatments that are not only effective but also natural and safe. Enter Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), a groundbreaking advancement in the quest for youthful, radiant skin. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, PRF harnesses the power of your body’s own biology to rejuvenate and heal, offering… Read more »
Cosmelan: The Melasma Solution
When we first introduced Cosmelan to our office we were a little skeptical. Most treatments claim to improve Melasma but provide an underwhelming result. I have been in aesthetics for 18 years and I finally have a solution for Melasma and other types skin discoloration. I am blown away with how effective it is! What… Read more »
Gynecomastia: Its Causes, Complications, Prevention, and Procedures
There are several blogs written about women. From facials, injections, surgeries, and many more. There are a wide variety of pieces of information for women to yield on. But then, self-care is not only exclusive for women as men, and other genders also need this. In giving the same privilege, men can also identify what… Read more »
Why are Medical Grade Skincare Products Better than Over the Counter (OTC)??
Are medical grade skincare products worth the money? Well I can tell you that there are certain products that are not but there are certain products that most definitely are! Here are the main differences: OTC products have certainly come a long way from your mother’s L’Oreal, but they still do not have the same… Read more »
Surprising Uses of Neurotoxins in the Face
It’s 2021, and I think it’s safe to say many of us have had a rough past 12+ months, and it shows. Many of our patients have been asking for some easy/quick solutions to help ease the fine lines and wrinkles that have developed over the past year. Neurotoxins, more commonly known as Botox, Dysport,… Read more »
Why 3 Women Got Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures Post-Breakup
Female genital cosmetic surgery, the fastest-growing subspecialty of gynecology, is the umbrella term representing a number of elective procedures—including labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, hymenoplasty, labia majora augmentation, vaginoplasty, and G-spot amplification. The procedures aren’t without their critics and controversies, but overwhelmingly, women give them high Worth It Ratings and report increased confidence, better sex, and improvement… Read more »
Bodifirm: Can products really help skin on the body?
We have all seen the difference good skin care can make on our face, but can it really help our bodies? Thin, crepey skin is one of the most common complaints among patients as we begin to age. Although the crepe-like appearance is caused by factors similar to wrinkles, it tends to affect a larger… Read more »
What age does your skin really look like?
Do you ever look in the mirror and notice all the new things happening to your skin as time goes by? Who doesn’t?! As we age there are not only noticeable changes to the outside of our skin, but there are also lots of changes to the inside, where you can’t see! To address skin… Read more »
Can I Breastfeed After Breast Surgery?
Placement of implants during a breast augmentation should not decrease the ability to breast feed for patients without underlying breast disorders.
Why Did We Choose diVa®?
Sciton® has been the “gold standard” when it comes to face and body lasers and they have created a handpiece for its diVa laser that surpasses other vaginal renewal devices.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck is also known as an “abdominoplasty” in the world of plastic surgery. This procedure can be customized to fit your individual needs and desires.
Breast Reduction in Denver
Breast reduction, also known as a Reduction Mammoplasty, can help bring new life to patients who are struggling or in pain due to large, unshapely breasts.