In the modern injectables era, “profile balancing” has become the standard of care—we value symmetry over size, prioritize the sum over the parts. Rather than correcting a single area in isolation, the savvy injector aims to shore up our facial framework before finessing more central features, to achieve a congruous composition. “We’re using extreme precision… Read more »
Why 3 Women Got Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures Post-Breakup
Female genital cosmetic surgery, the fastest-growing subspecialty of gynecology, is the umbrella term representing a number of elective procedures—including labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, hymenoplasty, labia majora augmentation, vaginoplasty, and G-spot amplification. The procedures aren’t without their critics and controversies, but overwhelmingly, women give them high Worth It Ratings and report increased confidence, better sex, and improvement… Read more »
Why BBL is our go to treatment
Photofacials, IPLs, laser treatments, and BBL’s, oh my! There are so many choices for facial rejuvenation these days that it is hard to know where to start. Despite our sunny weather, BBL skin treatments are extremely popular in the Denver area right now, but do they live up to the hype. The short answer- yes!… Read more »
Tummy Tucks
Tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasties, come in several different types. Just like each patient seeking one is unique, a different technique will be used to address specific concerns. The two main procedures performed by Dr. Rodgers are referred to as traditional abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty. Several factors play into improving the abdomen’s appearance and… Read more »
Check Out one of our Favorite Products – TNS® Advanced+ Serum
Have you heard about the latest product from SkinMedica? Let’s backtrack. First, have you heard of Skin Medica? SkinMedica is a premium skincare line that is only licensed to be sold in medical/clinic settings. The brand is owned by Allergan (who owns Botox, Juvederm, etc.). Think of SkinMedica as your ‘at home’ supplement to your… Read more »
Bodifirm: Can products really help skin on the body?
We have all seen the difference good skin care can make on our face, but can it really help our bodies? Thin, crepey skin is one of the most common complaints among patients as we begin to age. Although the crepe-like appearance is caused by factors similar to wrinkles, it tends to affect a larger… Read more »
Improving Collagen with the Use of Sculptra
Starting in our 20s we start losing approximately 1% of our collagen in our face per year. Collagen is essential for healthy youthful looking skin as it adds to strength, elasticity, and volume. It also helps keep our nails strong and hair grow. It comes from the Greek word Kolla which means glue, it is… Read more »
Are Medical Grade Skincare Products Better than Over the Counter?
Are medical grade skincare products worth the money? Well I can tell you that there are certain products that are not but there are certain products that most definitely are! Here are the main differences: OTC products have certainly come a long way from your mother’s L’Oreal, but they still do not have the same… Read more »
Under the Muscle Breast Augmentation
A common question among patients seeking breast augmentation is if the implants will be placed under the muscle or not. In the majority of patients, Dr. Rodgers prefers placing them underneath the muscle for added support and cosmetic appearance. Implants placed under the muscle also reduce the visual of “rippling” that is particularly common among… Read more »
Forever Young BBL vs Corrective BBL… what’s the difference?
What is the difference between Corrective BBL and Forever Young BBL? This can be confusing. Both are BroadBand Light by Sciton and they both provide photorejuvenation benefits by using light to target chromophore. In fact in many offices, if they have BBL, do not differentiate between the Corrective and the Forever Young procedures. But there… Read more »
What age does your skin really look like?
Do you ever look in the mirror and notice all the new things happening to your skin as time goes by? Who doesn’t?! As we age there are not only noticeable changes to the outside of our skin, but there are also lots of changes to the inside, where you can’t see! To address skin… Read more »
Microinfusion Trio
Our customized Microinfusion Trio is designed to create flawless looking skin without the downtime. Our microneedling device is used to deliver a blend of Botox, hyaluronic acid filler, and vitamin C to the surface of the skin. The microchannels caused by the fine needles help to stimulate collagen and elastin production to help create… Read more »