Can I Breastfeed After Breast Surgery?

Placement of implants during a breast augmentation should not decrease the ability to breast feed for patients without underlying breast disorders.

Alastin Skin Nectar

Alastin Skin Nectar is our number one go-to product for preparation and recovery from intense laser treatments. This technology works to remove old collagen and elastin proteins from the skin that have been damaged by the sun and aids the body in replacing it with new collagen and elastin.

What to Expect From Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing can achieve amazing results for sun damage, fine lines and even for the deeper wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

Why Sciton Lasers are the Best!

Sciton has multiple laser platforms to help every type of skin color and skin condition. They have extensive research and clinical trials to back up their product.

When is the Best Time to Have Laser Treatments?

When is the best time to get a laser treatment? Fall and winter tend to be labeled “laser season” since this is when you are less likely to be spending time outdoors and in the sun.